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Force exerted on an object |
In world-wide sense, the universe existance is a product of a great movement. Whatever that happens in and out of the world takes a pushing factor or a retarding one. Behind everything there is a force.
All motions and rests have force effects. In science, when a body is acted upon by an external force, it will begin to move. If the boby is already moving, a force may change its speed, direction of motion or bring it to rest. Scientists therefore define Force as that which changes a body's state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line. A body of no force acting on it will continue to be in its stationary. A body is otherwise subjected to motion only and if only under force. Force indeed is the power behing everything. Physically, everything yields to force. The reluctance or will action of an entity is by internally built force or an external force. Force brings attraction and causes repulsion. A force is an effective, strong, active and proactive agent built into creation. Everything happens by a force behind it. Machines function base on force, the streaming ability of water is as result of force from the source, tides and storms rise because of the force behind, air is called wind when it moves at a fast rate, and it is because of the force behind.
As there are physical forces, there are spiritual forces. Spirits are forces that initiate occurances. Normally, everything man made or natural is under the operation of a force. To be realistic, every physical manifestation has a spiritual influence. That is why I say that 'there is a force behind everything' – things don't just happen. Whatever that happens, do happen for a reason and to fulfil a particular purpose but in all, there is an unseen pushing or pulling agent behind the occurance. Sir Isaac Newton, the great physicist of the 16th centuary who did tremendous work on force said "Everybody continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled by some external force to act otherwise" (Newton's first law of motion). This statement is liking to a Ghanaian tribe (Akan) proverb that says "If noting touches the palm leaves, it won't rattle". Both the motion law and Akan adage have spiritual implication. It is already said that every physical manifestation has spiritual influence; this implies that everything happeninig before the naked eye is an echoe, image of a force gashing in the spirit. Failure and success of everything in the world is because of the force behind. The force behind brings success, achievements, victory and fulfilment or causes failure, misfortune, woes and fatality. It takes an invisible force for something to breakthrough. The aircraft breaks through air resistance with an escape velocity. A ship sails oceans because of the mechanical energy within. Water rushes through a tunnel having the pressure from the base of the dam behind it. A spacecrapft powerfully pears through to space because of the blazing force behind.
The Holy book says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world and against spiritual wickedness in high places.
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Torch of fire; An emblem of spiritual force |
As different type of forces fashion physical ocurrence, so as in the spirit. Different levels of powers, forces propagate various earthly characteristics. Spiritually, all forces have been categorized into two. The Godly force and ungodly forces. The godly force is one, divine and has only one source. It is the only perfect force that comes from the almighty God. It is supreme and just. When the foundation of an initiative is God, it is everlasting and prospers forever. A man or woman having God's power is holy, powerful, creative and productive – produce, reproduce, multiply, replenish and have dominion. It takes more mighty force to push a vision and work to success. And its God's power (force) that can vastly do this. The force from God is so real and has a record of being unbeatable. The existance of chruch today is a work of God's force.
There are men of old who engaged the power of God and had extraordinary results. Joshua, mighty man of God who lead Israel to Canaan commanded the sun to stand still and it did. This was a raw manistation of godly force affecting nature. Abraham, the father of many nations had an encounter with God when he was in his nation and father's household, Ur of the Chaldeans. He obeyed God, walked with God and become a wonder in his generation. The godly force behind Abraham made him successful and wealthy even in difficult times. The Almighty God established his covenant with Abraham (Genesis 15:1) and out of his obedience an believe, the promises of God was fulfilled in his life even to the fourth generation. Today, many who were not the biological seeds of Abraham are made sons to enjoy Abrahamic blessings through Christ Jesus (Romans 4:16-17). No joy surpass the joy of walking with the power of God.
Godly force lifts men from low place in life to higher place. Joseph was lifted from the pit to slavery, to prison and finally to a prime minister in Egypt by the godly force behind him. He had the power of God with him, the fear of the Lord was in his heart. No one rise without a force or spiritual backing. And having the power of God behind you makes you a superstar in your field. Daniel the prophet was anointed and endowed with the spirit of excellence. He and his companions were found ten times better than all magicians and enchanters in the whole kingdom of Nebuchadnezzer, king of Babylon. In a foreign land, Daniel rose and become administrator of governers and prospered in the reign of Darius and Cyrus, Persian kings because God was with him.
Samuel Moore Walton (Sam Walton) of Wal-Mart Stores Inc, the world's largest retail corporation by revenue as well as the biggest private employer was known to be a man of strong faith who incorporated into his business the Christian ethos. According to scholar Bethany Moreton, what made Walmart the world's largest corporation is largely a strong religious base. Walton supported various charitable courses. He and his wife, Helen Robson were christians, active in 1st Presbyterian church in Bentonville. Walton served as an Elder and a sunday school teacher, teaching high school age students in the church. He worked the concept of "service leadership" into the corporate structure of Walmart based on the concept of Christ being a servant leader and emphasized the importance of serving others based on christianity.
The British evangelist of 1800 and 1900s, Smith Wigglesworth who was influential in the early history of Pentecostalism had a ministry of his time backed by supernatural power from above. He largely believed his ministerial success was due to his baptism with the Holy Spirit. There were numerous claims of divine healing during Wigglesworth's ministry. He was used mightly by God to cure many people of several kinds of diseases and has a record of raising 14 people from dead. Smith Wigglesworth, often referred as Apostle of Faith had a ministry filled with remarkable miracles and supernatural manifestations.
All these men operated in the realm of Godly force and have left unerasable prints of impact in history.
Ungodly forces on the other hand are numerous and have different levels of power to operate. A man who rely on ungodly power can have his wishes granted but will surely enjoy the full disadvantages of it which will lead to his destruction. No ungodly force promises forever happiness and prosperity. Their gifts come with a price large than benefits and they are inevitable. Ungodly forces give the pleasures of their subjects to them but crash them at the end.
Beware of the force behind you. You might not ritually invite any force but your actions and way of life can attract a force. There is nothing without a force behind. Things don't just happen, no human invention occur and become great only by skill, instinct or natural talent and intelligence. It takes something beyond the physical for things to become. Men of power are not mere men, uncommon men have uncommon force behind them. Being ignorant about spiritual forces can be a detriment to one's life and destiny. Life is not only physical just as we see, there are compelling forces behind the scene. Spiritual forces influence decisions in the physical realm.
Article Sources/References
- Hodges, Sam (April 20, 2007). "Presbyterian obit on Wal-Mart founder's widow"
- Walsh, Colleen (November 19, 2009). "God and Walmart"
- Liardon, Roberts (1996). God's Generals. Whitaker House. pp. 197–99.
- All scriptures from New International Version (NIV)
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ReplyDeleteGreat. Very comprehensive and insightful. From science to religion, godly forces to ungodly forces.
ReplyDeleteThe anecdotes of successful figures from both the Bible and recent times incorporated add a touch to the article.
Overall, I think this is a must-read.
Keep it up.
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