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A board meeting. Photo: Podium School |
Discussion is a conversation or debate concerning a particular topic. It is an activity process in making decision, drawing a plan, developing an initiative or setting up orders for a group of people. An effective and sociable discussion raise good opinions, brings motivation and encouragement, control negotiation and triggers the spirit man of a person to release his hidden potentials. A discussion requires a conversational skill – a skill of interactive communication between two or more people. The development of conversational skills and etiquette is an important part of socialization and discussion.
Discussion also needs a cordial communication – an act of conveying intended meaning from one entity or group to another with mutually understood signs and rules. A group discussion has to be more effective to achieve clarity and motive behind. There will likely be times in your life when you will be working in a group, you may be responsible for leading a discussion and mostly, the elation depends on the leader or the coordinator. Here in this article are effective ways to conduct a group discussion.
Beginning the discussion, allow everyone to introduce themselves
To start a group discussion, you will want to make sure everyone is comfortable. A good way to break the ice is to let everyone introduce themselves. This way, you’ll go into the discussion with everyone knowing everyone else a little bit. You can go around the room and have everyone mention their name. You may also want each person to explain why they’re participating in the discussion.
Establish some ground rules
Before launching into the discussion, make sure everyone knows the rules of conduct. You want to go into the discussion with boundaries for respect firmly established. Advise everyone to treat one another with respect. Make it clear that there should be no name calling, personal attacks or profanity. You can argue with someone’s idea or opinion, but cannot argue with that person on a personal level. Make sure people know that they are not supposed to interrupt others’ moment of sharing ideas. Remind everyone the point of this discussion is for everyone to share equally. Remind everyone to be aware of time and make sure their points are succinct so that everyone has the chance to share. Encourage everyone to consider their comments seriously and to avoid becoming defensive if someone disagrees.

The Leader explaining the topic in group discussion. Photo: SSBCrack

Explain the topic
Usually, a group discussion will be based on a central topic. Even if the participants know what the topic is, give them a quick refresher before the discussion begins. You can introduce the idea, saying something like “As you all know, today we’re going to discuss …”
Ask open-ended questions to begin
You do not want to ask questions with a simple “yes” or “no” answer, especially not initially. Opening questions should not have a right or wrong answer as this will push people to begin the discussion. Your questions should encourage people to share meaningful thoughts and ideas.
Push towards new ideas when necessary
You can help move the discussion forward by introducing new ideas or interject to pick more ideas. You want to make sure the discussion does not stay too long on one topic, so if you are lingering on one talking topic, see what new ideas are being generated. When you hear a new potential idea, you can encourage the group to discuss it.
Ask participants follow-up questions
At first, people may give surface level answers to questions. If this is a problem, encourage people to open up more. After someone shares an idea, ask a follow up question to encourage them bring out more answers apart from their opinion. Follow up questions should usually be vague. For example, you can say something like “Really, what makes you think so?” Watch your tone because you want to sound friendly and inquisitive rather than authoritarian. If question is delivered in a harsh tone, you may sound like you disagree.
Encourage everyone to participate
Group discussions work well if everyone shares their opinion. Some participants may be hesitant to open up so work on creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing. Breaking up into small groups for a moment can encourage more participation. You can tell the group to discuss the issue with the person next to them for few minutes. Then re-assemble and ask everyone to share the discussion they had.
As a leader in group discussion, encourage everyone to share their opinions. Photo: Shikoha
1. Help shy participants share their opinions
Sometimes, the smartest participants are the shyest. You want to make sure those who feel uncomfortable sharing do so. It is important to hear everyone’s thoughts. You can ask the shy participant directly. For example, “Afia, why don’t you tell us how you feel?” You can also have everyone write down their answers to a question and then share. A nervous participant may feel more comfortable sharing if they have their idea written.
Avoid letting one person or group of
people dominate
Often times, you get a mixed group. Some people are shy and they withdrawn while others are not. The more outgoing members can sometimes dominate discussion, and you want to make sure everyone gets a chance to share. Try to bring the discussion back to the shy people and blind the two parties. Not allowing only few people or one take over the whole discussion.
Deal with a participant who talks too much
Sometimes, it is a single person who is very assertive and tends to dominate the conversation. Even if this person is making good points, it is important you do not let a single person dominate. Try asking the talkative person to act as an observer for few munities.
Move the discussion forward as needed
Usually, you will have some kind of agenda for a group discussion. You want participants to reach some kind of conclusion, agreement or insight. As the discussion continues, work to move it towards a conclusion. Keep asking questions throughout the discussion. In addition to asking questions, put up questions that bring their mind to one goal for the group. Also, ones that complicate the issue are good.
Smooth over conflict
If you’re dealing with a sensitive subject especially, people may get angry. If a conversation starts to become confrontational or tense, find ways to break up the tension. Ask people arguing to back up their opinions using outside authority. This will cause the discussion to become more objective and less personal.
Students in library, laughing together and studying for exams or presentation. Photo: Freepik
Wrap up the discussion
You should review the discussion briefly when it reaches its end. What has everyone learned? Make sure everyone understands the key points made. Ask open ended questions that will lead the group to reflect on what everyone learned.
Learning how to lead
discussion is important for leadership and management. Learn these
conversational skills and practice them among group or colleagues in staff
meeting to improve upon your managerial ability and public speaking.
Article sources/References
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