His Righteousness My Righteousness is a spirit filled and insightful book that teaches about the righteous life a believer or a born-again Christian receives after accepting Jesus as his Lord and personal savior, written by God’s chosen vessel, Pastor Emmanuel Mystery.The book teaches a pragmatic illustration of what happened to a believer after accepting Christ. It gives understanding to one that, after receiving Jesus as Lord, he took your place of sin and spiritual death and gave out his righteous place for you to live a new life.
When one accepts Christ Jesus as his or her Lord and savior, the person become a son or daughter of God. As child of God, he or she is sanctified and made righteous in Christ Jesus.
As the person walks in the reality of His righteousness, he begins to produce fruits of righteousness. Without a revelation of righteousness, it is hard to believe and walk in the reality of it.
Reading His Righteousness My Righteousness answers the questions, “When God looks at man (you), what does HE really feels? Does HE feel proud of you? Or indifferent towards you, or HE feels regret?
The book consists of seven (7) chapters in 78 pages, having white leaves and a white background with a design of a man holding a white garment on the blurb. The design is an indication of God putting a righteous garment on a believer.
The book was written and published in the year 2022 by Seekers House Publications.
The author of the book, Pastor Emmanuel Mystery is the founder and pastor of the Seekers’ House Chapel in Ghana, West Africa. His tremendous passion for God’s WORD coupled with a love for God’s people have made him impact several lives through the preaching of the gospel.
He has a contagious spirit of generosity and love that overflows through every facet of his ministry. His teachings mostly touch on faith, the Holy Spirit and how to know God.
Other books written by Pastor Mystery are Kingdom life series (series of books for a new believer which are Moving from the land of the dead to the land of the living, The Holy Spirit and His Gifts and Walking in dominion) an Don’t give up.
10 Facts About Reighteousness
- It is righteousness that gives us the ability to stand before God without feelings gulty, ashamed or feeling inferior. Adam for example was created with righteousness; he did not work for it, neither did he fast to be righteous or even prayed for it, he was created with it, righteousness was part of his personality.
- Righteousness makes you bold in the face of adversity, without it no one can stand in the presence of God
- Righteousness is a gift from God; it is not by anyone's work but by the grace of God and faith in Christ Jesus, we receive the gift of righteousness. The very day you receive Jesus as your Lord and savior, you were made righteous (Romans 10:10).
- Righteousness is not by works but by grace through faith. It is not a goal to attain, but as a child of God, you must accept the fact that upon receiving Christ Jesus, you become righteous.
- Your righteousness has nothing to do with what you have done or have not done. All the demands of the law have been met by Jesus. He became sin, that you might become righteous.
- Grace works through righteouness, in order words grace cannot work where there is no righteousness; the spirit of God cannot work in an unrighteous person. The deeper you walk in your righteousness, the more grace will be multiplied unto you. (Romans 5:21).
- Real faith is in the heart not in the head. Your righteousness keeps you from pride, put on your breast plate, acknowledge your righteousness, if God will not reject Jesus Christ, then he can't reject you either.
- It is your righteousness in Christ Jesus that gives you strength to live righteous in this world. If you abide in his righteousness and his righteousness abides in you, you will bear fruits.
- Righteousness is a garment. The garment is what qualifies you to stay in the King's (God's) presence.
- When you accept your righteousness, and you walk in the consciousness of your righteousness, you will find it difficult living an unrighteous life, but if you walk around with a sin conscious mind, the devil will defeat you.
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