Happiness is the state of being happy. The term is a combination of fulfillment, contentment, freedom, and satisfaction.
Conversely, happiness is a noun; specifically, it's an abstract noun, which indicates that it exists. And everything that exists has a beginning—a creator, I mean. Thus, in order to get happiness, one must look to the one who created it and learn from him why it exists, what happiness is all about and how to convey it.
God made man for his own image and likeness, and he knew that in order for his creature to fulfill life and serve him, happiness will be one requirement and he meant it for man.
Happiness is from God and if we want to enjoy it, we must go to him.
The success of every product is the pride and glory of the creator of that product. Humans above all creatures possess the image of the creator and to be more glorious to him, happiness is fixed into our system for life. God is the ultimate source of happiness. You can’t be happy without him. If we want to be happy, let us ask from the creator.
Happiness also comes from living within your purpose. The maker of life knew that for his people to enjoy this noun – happiness, there must be a factor and that is living in your purpose. Without purpose, there’s no sense of living. When you decide to live in your purpose, you become more positive, effective and happy about yourself and others around you. You love life and more energy and potential are unleashed to achieve success.
Nothing serves joy than knowing who you are, what you were meant
for and why you are here on earth.
God gave every man vision, dreams, gifts or potentials to live within their purpose. And living in your purpose satisfies you with happiness.
Brian Tracy, a Canadian-American motivational speaker, author and management consultant says “The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good”. We are full of potentials; man’s life is a bag of seeds that need to grow into reality.
God never creates out of experimentation or mistake. He had
a pre-destined purpose for everyone. Therefore, true happiness is found in
living within your purpose.
Another practical way to happiness is to give to others what you want.
If you want to be happy, make others happy. God created humans as social organisms. We can’t live in isolation. No man is an island of himself. We are meant for each other, that is why the second part of the great commandment says “Love your neighbor as yourself”, so happiness comes out of making others happy.
Don’t expect to be happy when you're making life uncomfortable for other people. A key source of self-gratification is seeing others happy because of you. You absolutely have no idea about how happy I am, if this article is giving you a help. If you want joy, give joy to others. When you smile to a baby, what do you receive in return?
Give happiness to others through your words and actions. Give
to others what you want.
Obeying laws is an important principle if happiness is truly desired.
When you obey laws of every system, you will be happy. You can’t enjoy
the illumination of light bulb in your room without turning on the switch.
If laws of a system can’t be obeyed, that particular system
won’t work to your advantage. Law abiding people are always happy and free from
fear of judgement. Laws are not drafted to restrict us but to guarantee our success.
Life is full of principles and laws. When you obey them, you
will be successful and happy. Just like a fish, it is meant to swim in water,
so the day fish decides to live outside water, it will die. Birds are meant to
fly in air, it is a law. They will never try to be like a fish. When you obey
laws, it will guarantee your success and the result will be happiness.
Hormones Responsible for Happiness
In our bodies, we have chemical substances that promote happiness. Understanding the importance of these chemicals in the brain and body, and their impact on mental health will help you to take active steps to improve their levels naturally while improving your own life and happy mood. These chemicals are called happy hormones.
Happy hormones are chemicals produced by various glands in the human body whose primary function is to communicate between two glands or between a gland and an organ, affecting the mood of an individual.
Science proofs that the body is controlled by these chemical secretions called hormones. Even sleep and waking up have hormones in charge so as happiness.
The chief hormones involved in regulating happiness are serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and endorphin. These endocrine secretions are involved in the regulation of mood, pleasure, bonding and even pain relief.
Dopamine is well known for pleasure (your affections), it plays motivational role in brain’s reward system (your ability to appreciate yourself depends on him). Oxytocin is very romantic and therefore has first class in regulating love, bonding and trust. Endorphins are controllers of pain relief, runner’s high and relaxation.
Among them, serotonin is the original happy hormone. Though, the four are responsible for happiness, serotonin is the main happy hormone produced by the gut. It is nicknamed mood stabilizer, responsible for wellbeing and happiness. Wearing cute smiles on your face and laughing unconditionally has something to do with serotonin.
With all these scientific facts, you will appreciate that the surge in production of these chemicals is good for our wellbeing. Many factors come together to influence secretion of these chemicals, nevertheless one fascinating factor that influence these is being right to yourself and pursuing your heart desire.
Serotonin takes some influences from what you claim to yourself, making yourself happy, smile and laugh even if you don’t know why. Your body chemicals wait on you to stabilize your mood and give you happiness. Living in your purpose, pursuing what’s on your heart, being right to yourself and honest in your dealings makes you grateful, being full of joy.
Remember that no body have you in mind than yourself. Literally, you are second option in any other person’s life. When you take a group photograph which your part of, whose image do you look at first? Its just simple, everybody puts him or herself and happiness first.
You are in charge of your life, take yourself out, do what
makes you smile and feel important. Love everyone as yourself. Wear smiles on
your face and put yourself in good posture. Be happy and confident about yourself!
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